The Emerald Forge

Mindful Leadership Development & Conflict Mediation

~ Are you or your team’s decisions overly based on fear or stress lately?

~ Are major disagreements in your team making it difficult to operate?

~ Or are you in need of a certified mediator to help settle a legal dispute?

We are here to help.

“The mind can adapt and convert to its own purpose the obstacles to our actions. What stands in the way becomes the way…”

~ Marcus Aurelius

Please feel free to use the menu above to navigate to the ‘Schedule & Reserve Services’ page to calendar and book services or feel free to email, text, or call directly for more information: 954 445 7125

Training in Mindfulness Fundamentals: Stillness, Flow, and Peak Performance

Carlos Fernando Londono, has led classes and professional trainings in evidence based Mindfulness Meditation, Tai chi, Qi Gong and various forms of movement meditations from a variety contemplative traditions. His work as a meditation teacher, trainer, and coach on the widely researched and peer reviewed benefits of meditation often communicates how the thread of mindfulness runs not only through the more commonly known meditative traditions of Buddhist practice lineages of Tibet, China, or Japanese Zen or the Indian Yogic tradition, but also equally through lesser known Sacred Movement techniques used in Christian monastic traditions as well. His exposure and training in a wide variety of mindfulness methods over his 26 years of being both a student, practitioner, and later as a teacher in these traditions, provides a rich background with which to help inform, guide, and enhance his clients’ abilities to enter into flow states where and when we most need to today; in the work our modern lives has called us to, both as individuals, and in the teams we work with.


Mr. Londono has taught and given talks throughout South Florida on mindfulness, Taichi and Qi Gong for over 16 years. His private clients have worked for and with a variety of organizations such as international banks and multinational corporations. Many have been owners or high level executives at such organizations. He has also worked with well known institutional clients such as Nova University’s Life-long Learning Center and dozens of community centers sponsored by United Healthcare, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, as well as the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County. He has led trainings for the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce as well as executive retreats for DHL and other organizations such as United International College, where he has also taught communications courses in public speaking as an adjunct professor.

Martial Arts Training, Lineage, and Influences

Mr. Londoño, began his martial arts training at the age of 7 and achieved the rank of 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo under Master Andy Silva, who also was the first to introduce him to the fundamentals of meditation. His martial arts training continued later in Aikido with Sensei Stephanie Yap and Shorin-Ryu Karate with Sensei Jeff Day. His meditative and internal martial arts training however did not begin in earnest until he became a student of Qi Gong, Sacred Movements Master, and Shaman, Don Juan Leal in 1998. He later studied Wing Chun, Yang Tai Chi, Hsing-I, and Baquazhang briefly under Sifu Andy Chung and went on to train at Tai Chi of South Florida with Todd Plager, Jim Dees, and Master Arthur Rosenfeld under Master Max Gao Fei Yan. In 2005, he became a certified instructor in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level fundamentals of Chen Tai Chi and was also certified as an instructor in CDC approved evidence based Tai Chi for Better Balance, by Sifu Suman Barkhas. Besides the meditative approaches of the various cultures mentioned above, his approach has been deeply influenced by the works of Eckart Tolle, Jon Kabbat Zinn, Father Richard Rohr, Philosopher Ken Wilber, and modern Zen Master Henry Shukman, as well as his friend, the dedicated Zen practitioner and poet David Whyte. He also has a deep admiration for the poetry of Rumi as well as the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and even for some of the teachings of the controversial Indian guru known as Osho. In his spare time, Mr. Londono also writes, directs, and produced films and other creative projects, many of which whose proceeds have gone to support charitable causes such as Veteran groups and communities; particularly those who suffer with PTSD and mental illness.