The Emerald Forge

Mindful Leadership Development & Conflict Mediation

~ Are you or your team’s decisions overly based on fear or stress lately?

~ Are major disagreements in your team making it difficult to operate?

~ Or are you in need of a certified mediator to help settle a legal dispute?

We are here to help.

“The mind can adapt and convert to its own purpose the obstacles to our actions. What stands in the way becomes the way…”

~ Marcus Aurelius

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“~” = for Other Projects and Curiosities

Writing and More

Master & Fox - Mini Series

Heartbroken and suffering from an existential crisis, a high-powered attorney goes on a spiritual retreat with a Zen Master and on his journey of self-discovery is followed by an imaginary fox only he can see and a trio of thieves intent on robbing him blind who he is completely unaware of.

Photo by Fodor90/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Fodor90/iStock / Getty Images

EROSION (Mini-Series - 22 Episodes, 2 Seasons)

In an adjacent reality to ours Elle, a young journalist/hacker living in a time when independent journalists are persecuted and hunted, is obsessed. Her nights are a blur between dreams in which she's helping illegally detained people and the hacking of networks to track down information on the hundreds and possibly thousands disappearing into private prisons. Her search however has been at a dead end for months - until she finds several videos made of arrests at one of the prisons months ago. As she looks through the videos she finds something that stops her cold.  One of the prisoners looks exactly like her.

Dr. Juan Crisostomo, a former scientist and mystic, her dead mentor in Elle’s other reality finds himself scientifically brought back to life. In this new reality he is the first consciousness transplant into a synthetic body but he must now race against time to use his mystical knowledge to keep Ella and himself alive long enough to find out why they have been caught in the web of intrigue.  

Two ex-CIA contractors forced to work for the secret organization tasked with putting an end to her investigation and investigations like it: Jack, a brilliant interrogation expert now a broken man and his best friend the special ops tech expert Eric, begin both hunting her end up in a deadly game of betrayal when Eric reveals it was him who leaked the information to Elle and led her to the prison and the secrets that could bring down the whole conspiracy Eric has secretly sworn to end.

A story that reveals a web of alliances between human traffickers, cartels, mafia, and the elite in the highest reaches of power. Some pray on the weak for its own sake while others reveal a terrible secret reasoning behind the disappearances of prisoners that could shake humanity and every living thing to its very foundation.

(True Detective meets the OA )


Obscuria’s Lure - a Copper Hawk : Audio Adventure

Written by author Hadder Martinez (The Horn of Dawn), Sound Design & Music Julian Angel (Haitrus Sound & Music)

Narration and voices Carlos Londono, Hadder Martinez, Andrea Londono

Rohin, Rala, Crayfish and Lazzir are a team of Copperhawk mercenaries lost in a disjointed, terrifying realm. Their Guild’s Psion, Archivist Valikarn Onyxsea is using his power of Object Reading to find out what happened to them, where in the world they are, and if they can be saved.

Obscuria’s Lure Excerpt:

“….outside the kitchens were the sparring grounds, where the mercenaries trained. Denely could hear them grunting and cursing as they honed the edge of their skills.

The Copperhawks were Guild Master Richter Malakai’s own creation. Formed to protect people from banditry, hunt down the occasional dangerous beast, and bolster the numbers of local armies. Financed by the Bastion of Aranath, the mercenary guild was so successful, they now had Charters across the known lands. They even called the attention of men like Valikarn to their ranks, who now served as Psion Archivist, second only to Master Malakai himself..”